  • Jl.Kh Abdullah Syafei No.50E Bukit Duri Tebet Jakarta Selatan

IT Solutions


Fiber optic

Fiber Optic cable is fiber optic which transmission is made plastic glass or is very smooth. For sizes smaller than a hair that can times to transmit light signals from one place to another.


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

CCTV merupakan sebuah sistem komputer menggunakan video kamera untuk menampilkan dan merekam suatu gambar pada waktu dan tempat dimana perangkat tersebut terpasang


Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP)

Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology that enables remote voice conversation through internet media. Voice data is converted into digital code and streamed over a network that delivers data packets, rather than through a regular analog telephone circuit.


Video Conference

interactive telecommunication technology devices that allow two or more parties in different locations to interact through two-way audio and video delivery simultaneously.



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